“I have an overall feeling about people who went to Woman’s College… It’s almost like you can really tell them [apart from others] when you are in a group because they do have a certain independence even though they are married. It’s something that we learned, but no one taught us, because the women here who taught were like that… it was a woman’s school so we just sort of got this confidence. No one had to tell us to be a woman.”

Quote from Women’s College(WC) Alumna focus group participant

What do you get when you send a 44 page health survey containing 109 questions to over a 1,000 Woman’s College Alumnae? “A phenomenon,” says CWHW staff.

With funding from the Office of the Provost, the Center for Women’s Health and Wellness conducted a women’s health survey of the alumnae of Woman’s College (WC).  The purpose of the study was to identify the factors that affect the quality of life and health of women as they age.

When the Women’s College Alumnae Study was distributed, few staff believed we would observe the overwhelming response! The response rate is remarkable with over 55% of the surveys completed. All of the respondents are over the age of 60. Even more astounding is that 35 of the respondents are over 90 years old, and the oldest respondent was 98 years old.


Email: cwhw@uncg.edu
Location: 235 Stone Bldg., 319 College Ave., Greensboro, NC 27412
Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm


They were college educated women when it was uncommon for women to seek higher education.  This unique population of women had more education and independence than most women of their generation.  They were trained to be leaders.

As a result, they were well educated women making choices about work, family and community before the rise of the second wave of the American feminist movement. Not surprisingly, the different choices this group made about how to live their lives reflect a diverse set of values, priorities and options.

The graduates of Woman’s College provide a unique opportunity to learn about how these choices affect women’s health and wellness as they age.

We learned from our survey of 1024 WC alumnae that: