The purpose of the Annual CWHW Research Forum is to highlight the diverse research being conducted on campus around women’s health and wellness.

Abstract presentations and roundtable discussions highlight the scholarly work from faculty and students being done at UNCG around women’s health and wellness.

Please visit the Abstract Submission for more details on how to submit your data (related to the health and wellness of girls or women) to present at next year’s event!

The 2024 Research Forum was the Center’s fourth annual event, including a keynote presentation on “Maternal Well-being: Antecedents and Implications for Young Children and Families”, which will be given by the HHS Associate Dean for Research and Jefferson Pilot Excellence Professor, Dr. Esther Leerkes.

We look forward to our next event in 2025!


Location: 235 Stone Bldg., 319 College Ave., Greensboro, NC 27412
Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm