Active Girls – Healthy Girls Spring Camp 2024 Group Photo

Ultimately, the Active Girls – Healthy Girls initiative aims to show the joy, confidence, and health that can coincide with movement and healthy habits. Our camp provides a culminating experience for girls to experience and learn ways to lead active, healthy lifestyles. We hope you’ll stay connected and start moving with us!

AGHG Camp Mission to Empower Girls

2025 Spring Break Camp

The 2025 AGHG Spring Break Camp will take place the week of April 14th, during Guilford County School’s Spring Break. Our Spring Break Camp aims to provide girls with a safe and exciting environment to try new activities and learn ways to overcome possible barriers to physical activity. We are already planning new activities and talk topics to make this year’s camp even better than the last. Stay tuned for more information!

Are you interested in volunteering at the camp? Check back here and stay up to date on all things Active Girls-Healthy Girls on our Instagram (@activegirls_healthygirls)!

Our first Ever Spring Break Camp

In March 2024, we held a camp for 4th-6th grade girls. The camp focused on the unique needs and cultures of the community. Girls had the opportunity to explore the joys and benefits of various forms of physical activity. Below, you will find a sample schedule of the two days of our camp.

How did it go? parents and campers let us know!

Campers' feedback on camp. 100% had fun at camp. 96% gained confidence and knowledge about being active. 97% had interests in attending camp again.
Parents feedback on AGHG camp. 96% would re-enroll in future camps. 80% want summer camp. 76% would like longer camp.
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Location: 235 Stone Bldg., 319 College Ave., Greensboro, NC 27412
Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm

Example activities

  • Volleyball
  • Pickleball
  • Bodyweight Fitness
  • Yoga
  • Dance
  • Walking for Health
  • Yard Games
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Relay Races
  • and more!

AGHG SUPPORTER Acknowledgements

We are immensely grateful to everyone who made our first-ever Active Girls-Healthy Girls Spring Break Camp possible. A heartfelt thank you to the UNCG students, staff, and faculty, our community partners and organizations, UNCG RecWell, and the Dawn S. Chaney Foundation. Your generous donations of time and resources ensured the success of this camp. From all of us at AGHG, thank you!

Follow us on Instagram for the most up to date news!